In this area, you will find facts that had not yet been covered by an own article in the English language Wikipedia at the time of being published on AluStir's web site:
Alfred E Gibson was a
Canadian-born mechanical engineer and president of The Wellman Engineering Company, Cleveland, Ohio.
Mary Wallihan Gibson of The Wellman Engineering Company won an award from the James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation for
arc welding of low alloy high strength steels.
Although Edwin Izod's name is widely known among engineers and metallurgists, he is often not associated with the invention of the
IZOD impact test.
Frederick Knoop was a
co-inventor of the micro hardness test that bears his name.
Jules Laffitte was a French engineer who invented
around 1879 the welding plaques named after him.
Sir William James Larke was the first
director of the British Iron and Steel Federation and the first president of the British Welding Research Association
Charles Lillicrap was a British naval architect, who served as Director of Naval Construction from 1944 to 1951.
Karl Kristian Masden invented in 1945 a semi-automatic arc welding machine and method
Micro friction stir welding can be used to join less than 1 mm thick aluminium foils or sheets for the manufacture of electronic
housings at very high rotation speeds and low forces.
The Nazarov method for cold welding of cast iron with electrode bundles of thickly coated stick electrodes and copper wire was
demonstrated in Nauen (German Democratic Republic) on the "Day of the Soviet innovator" on 26 January 1955.
George Pellissier was the first American to use Thermite®
welding commercially for laying 1 mile of track of the Holyoke Street Railway in Massachusetts.
Stanley Rockwellinvented together with
Hugh M. Rockwell, who was the son of his employer but probably not a relative, the Rockwell hardness testing machine.